Plantation Key
Islamorada, FL
I wrote last nights log too soon. Our calm night took a turn for the wild side. The wind picked up rather quickly to the high teens and from a direction that we did not have a lot of protection from. It was after dark and we heard some thumping and banging on deck. Lee went out and took an inventory of the things on deck that might be responsible. He noticed our solar shower was not there. It could not have gone far because it was tied to a halyard (rope for you nonsailboaters) . He looked up and saw it flying around out behind the boat, still tied to the halyard. He called out to me and we caught it but not before it managed to get tangled up in the wind generator somehow. The wind generator made a loud sound and vibrated excessively. We paid a lot of money for that generator and getting to the bottom of what exactly is the problem won't be easy. It may have to be sent back to the factory. We will have to wait until Monday to reach someone where we bought it to find out more. After a few hours of wild winds things calmed down and it was a quiet night.
Sat. we slept in and got up at 7;30. We looked at our wind generator in the day light and can see it is not acting right but not what is causing the problem. We ran the motor in neutral for 45 min to get hot water to shower. We gathered up the laundry and went to Bill's house in the dinghy and met his special friend, Sunshine. They seemed to be enjoying their time together. He talked so much about her I felt like I already knew her. They were in Bill's garden. We went inside and I looked out and saw a manatee, big one, right off his dock. Everyone went out and Lee put our hose over the edge of the dock and he/she grabbed it like a straw and started sucking. It drank what seemed like forever. Until it passed gas several times. It did not seem at all concerned we were all hanging over the dock watching it.
We went back inside and visited, snacked on key lime muffins, delicious, and visited some more. Us getting to know Sunshine and she getting to know us. Easy to see why Bill likes her so much. We played a game called Crimes Against Humanity that we had gotten for Xmas. We stayed til after dark and could not get the red/green running lights to work and before we made it out of the canals Lee lost the white light over the back of the dinghy. We sure seem to lose a lot of stuff in the water. We made it back in the dark and have plans to meet for lunch tomorrow. We will probably head north to the Biscayne Bay area Mon. as soon as I pick up the CD and report from the hospital, with the hopes of heading to the Bahamas Wed or Thur. Of course that depends on the weather.