Tuesday March 31, 2015
Chub Cay, Exumas
Snorkeling in Clear Water
We left West Bay, New Providence this morning and sailed and motor sailed to Chub Cay. We have now gone full circle. We checked into the Bahamas at Chub almost a month ago.
We anchored in beautiful clear blue water with a lot if starfish all around us. We then went snorkeling on a half dead reef beside a rock/hill called Momma Rhoda Rock. There were some corals and fish, a ray and a shark, but it was not the creature packed reef we are used to seeing. It was very shallow also.
Since I had not done any snorkeling it was good to get in the water. My snorkel leaked salt water. I knew that last time I used it but forgot until it happened again today. My mask, which I got on my last dive trip did not leak at all. I am happy with it. Between my snorkel leaking & Marks mask leaking we did not last too long but Lee and Judy lingered a good while. Judy had a GoPro camera.
We will start tomorrow morning and sail all day, all night tomorrow night and the next day we should end the day in West Palm Beach FL. Then Fri morning we will high tail it north on our way to Little River. Since we can't know if we can go off shore (the fast way) or must go in the ICW (water way) which takes much longer we have to plan for the long way. We want to make our closing date on our new place.
I will miss the lovely people here and the water that I can not put into words and do justice to, but it will be good to get our housing situation squared away and our things out of storage.
We will definitely do more cruising. Now that we have worked out most of the kinks.
We will continue the logs until we are back in our slip at LightKeepers so stay tuned it is not over Thurs evening.
Voyages of Sea Turtle

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Long Day, First Leg
Monday March 30, 2015
West Bay, New Providence Cay
Emumas, Bahamas
Long Day, First Leg
Today we left at first light to take the first leg of our trip home. We left Hawksbill Cay headed for New Providence. That is where Nassau is but we went to the other end of the island. It took 11 hrs. We had every kind of wind to almost no wind. We did a lot of sailing early in the day. I was getting 6.9 kts with a 13 kt breeze. My sails were happy. Our rail was in the water several times earlier in the day. That is the first time that we know of we have done that. We were really heeling.
Mark and Judy have picked up another traveler. A sail boater who is single handing his boat is going back to USA also and started tagging along after being at the same mooring field last night. Not sure how far he will travel with us but he is from the Washington DC area so might go a while.
Anchoring here was a pill. We had to try 2 or 3 times and so did Windbird. We have had great holding most places but not here. So far it has been very calm though.
Looks like we may make our closing date. We will have to wait and see but we are going to try hard. That is it for today.
West Bay, New Providence Cay
Emumas, Bahamas
Long Day, First Leg
Today we left at first light to take the first leg of our trip home. We left Hawksbill Cay headed for New Providence. That is where Nassau is but we went to the other end of the island. It took 11 hrs. We had every kind of wind to almost no wind. We did a lot of sailing early in the day. I was getting 6.9 kts with a 13 kt breeze. My sails were happy. Our rail was in the water several times earlier in the day. That is the first time that we know of we have done that. We were really heeling.
Mark and Judy have picked up another traveler. A sail boater who is single handing his boat is going back to USA also and started tagging along after being at the same mooring field last night. Not sure how far he will travel with us but he is from the Washington DC area so might go a while.
Anchoring here was a pill. We had to try 2 or 3 times and so did Windbird. We have had great holding most places but not here. So far it has been very calm though.
Looks like we may make our closing date. We will have to wait and see but we are going to try hard. That is it for today.
Beautiful Beaches
March 29, 2015
Hawksbill Cay
Exhumes, Bahamas
Beautiful Beaches
Today the local weather lady said it would be good to cross the Gulf Stream Wed. & Thurs. so as Lee & I were discussing it might be a good idea to head north today to get in position for crossing, Mark called on the VHF to say he thought that too. So 30 min later we were heading out of Warderick Wells to Hawksbill Cay. About a 3 hr trip.
We were battling 15 to 25 knt winds varying from almost on our nose to almost a beam reach. We put out our jib then added the main reefed and made 5.7 but the wind kept shifting and the sails needed constant tweaking. It was heeling a lot at times too. I talked Lee into bringing in the main and turning on the motor to motor sail. Our jib started luffing so we brought it in too. But we were almost to the mooring field by then.
We ate lunch then all 4 of us took a long dinghy ride to a beach on the other end of the island to hike up to some ruins of a hide out from around 1800. The trail was steep and buggy. I provided lunch for several bugs. I seem to be a favorite flavor. The summit had a beautiful view and the numerous beaches here at Hawksbill are some of loveliest we have seem and the water is a light topaz blue, stunning. Lee sat on a rock and sat in something gelatinous and sticky. I tried to wipe it off, then tried to wash it off in the ocean, it would not come off and the sticky stayed too. Those shorts will be isolated until we get back home.
Mark dropped us at the boat and went to pay for our mooring balls. It is the honor system. There is a box you put money in. The Bahamian people just assume everyone is going to be honest. Very nice atmosphere, we have felt safe everywhere we have gone in the Bahamas.
Plans are to head north at 6:30 am tomorrow and decide after listening to the weather guru exactly where north we aim for.
March 29, 2015
Hawksbill Cay
Exhumes, Bahamas
Beautiful Beaches
Today the local weather lady said it would be good to cross the Gulf Stream Wed. & Thurs. so as Lee & I were discussing it might be a good idea to head north today to get in position for crossing, Mark called on the VHF to say he thought that too. So 30 min later we were heading out of Warderick Wells to Hawksbill Cay. About a 3 hr trip.
We were battling 15 to 25 knt winds varying from almost on our nose to almost a beam reach. We put out our jib then added the main reefed and made 5.7 but the wind kept shifting and the sails needed constant tweaking. It was heeling a lot at times too. I talked Lee into bringing in the main and turning on the motor to motor sail. Our jib started luffing so we brought it in too. But we were almost to the mooring field by then.
We ate lunch then all 4 of us took a long dinghy ride to a beach on the other end of the island to hike up to some ruins of a hide out from around 1800. The trail was steep and buggy. I provided lunch for several bugs. I seem to be a favorite flavor. The summit had a beautiful view and the numerous beaches here at Hawksbill are some of loveliest we have seem and the water is a light topaz blue, stunning. Lee sat on a rock and sat in something gelatinous and sticky. I tried to wipe it off, then tried to wash it off in the ocean, it would not come off and the sticky stayed too. Those shorts will be isolated until we get back home.
Mark dropped us at the boat and went to pay for our mooring balls. It is the honor system. There is a box you put money in. The Bahamian people just assume everyone is going to be honest. Very nice atmosphere, we have felt safe everywhere we have gone in the Bahamas.
Plans are to head north at 6:30 am tomorrow and decide after listening to the weather guru exactly where north we aim for.
VHF yea!
March 28, 2015
Emerald Rocks
Warderwick Wells Cay
Emumas, Bahamas
As promised last night & this morning was a blow. Winds were up over 35 kts for several hours in the night. Everyone was bobbing up and down, lights on boats indicating other people were awake too. Lee sat in the cockpit while it rained and blew and watched to see if we were going to stay on the mooring ball. It slowed down around 8 am. But got around 20 kts again in the afternoon.
Mark & Judy came over in the morning and let us know they were going to dinghy to the park office. Judy found a problem with her shirt & needed to exchange it. Mine was little too big so I send it back by Judy to exchange for a smaller size. When Mark came back with the shirt he also brought a VHF radio. He had an extra one on board. It seemed to work fine so we have it wired in and are in the communication business again. I just hope it continues to work. Lee tried the helm mike and that seemed to cause the main vhf to go dead. While he was checking connections to see if that was the problem it magically came back on again. We do not know if the pedestal mike caused the problem or why it started working again so to be on the safe side we are not using the helm mike. Still no internet or cell signal.
It has been overcast all day. So rare for it not to be sunny. Listening to the weather guru it sounds like we might make a run north on Monday. Also looks like we will be pulling some over nighters to catch weather windows. Time will tell. We will eventually get back to the states.
March 28, 2015
Emerald Rocks
Warderwick Wells Cay
Emumas, Bahamas
As promised last night & this morning was a blow. Winds were up over 35 kts for several hours in the night. Everyone was bobbing up and down, lights on boats indicating other people were awake too. Lee sat in the cockpit while it rained and blew and watched to see if we were going to stay on the mooring ball. It slowed down around 8 am. But got around 20 kts again in the afternoon.
Mark & Judy came over in the morning and let us know they were going to dinghy to the park office. Judy found a problem with her shirt & needed to exchange it. Mine was little too big so I send it back by Judy to exchange for a smaller size. When Mark came back with the shirt he also brought a VHF radio. He had an extra one on board. It seemed to work fine so we have it wired in and are in the communication business again. I just hope it continues to work. Lee tried the helm mike and that seemed to cause the main vhf to go dead. While he was checking connections to see if that was the problem it magically came back on again. We do not know if the pedestal mike caused the problem or why it started working again so to be on the safe side we are not using the helm mike. Still no internet or cell signal.
It has been overcast all day. So rare for it not to be sunny. Listening to the weather guru it sounds like we might make a run north on Monday. Also looks like we will be pulling some over nighters to catch weather windows. Time will tell. We will eventually get back to the states.
Wind & Waves
March 27, 2015
Emerald Rock Mooring Field
Warderick Wells Cay
Exumas , Bahamas
We have had a windy day up to 20 knots. Lee's back is still hurting so when Handleys went to the park office to pay for their mooring I went with them and paid for ours. There were some shirts and Judy and I got one each. We looked at whale skeletons that had beached here and died. The larger one had died from eating plastic discarded in the ocean.
After a wet dinghy ride to the boat I retied the mooring ball the way you are supposed to do it. Lee could not do what I did with his back.
Later in the day Handleys braved the waves & wind again to bring me birthday cake. Carrot cake which is my favorite cake. That was sure a surprise, a very nice one. Thanks Judy 🎂😄
We had VHF radio for a while today but back to nothing again. The hand held vhf is worthless too. The battery is down and the charger will not charge it. We do not know if the charger or battery is at fault but our plan A & plan B are both out now and have no plan C. Not crazy about crossing the Gulf Stream and sailing off shore with no radio communication. Here we do not even have cell phone for back up.
Murphy's Law. What can go wrong will go wrong.
Not quite dark and expecting a rolly rough night.
March 27, 2015
Emerald Rock Mooring Field
Warderick Wells Cay
Exumas , Bahamas
We have had a windy day up to 20 knots. Lee's back is still hurting so when Handleys went to the park office to pay for their mooring I went with them and paid for ours. There were some shirts and Judy and I got one each. We looked at whale skeletons that had beached here and died. The larger one had died from eating plastic discarded in the ocean.
After a wet dinghy ride to the boat I retied the mooring ball the way you are supposed to do it. Lee could not do what I did with his back.
Later in the day Handleys braved the waves & wind again to bring me birthday cake. Carrot cake which is my favorite cake. That was sure a surprise, a very nice one. Thanks Judy 🎂😄
We had VHF radio for a while today but back to nothing again. The hand held vhf is worthless too. The battery is down and the charger will not charge it. We do not know if the charger or battery is at fault but our plan A & plan B are both out now and have no plan C. Not crazy about crossing the Gulf Stream and sailing off shore with no radio communication. Here we do not even have cell phone for back up.
Murphy's Law. What can go wrong will go wrong.
Not quite dark and expecting a rolly rough night.
Warderick Cay
March 26, 2015
Warderwick Wells
Exumas, Bahamas
Today a nasty weather report send us north looking for somewhere to hide. We are at Emerald Rocks in the Exumas Land & Sea Park near Warderwick Wells Cay. We imagine we will be here til at least Sunday. Because winds of as much as 40knts are predicted Friday we took a mooring ball. Windbird is here too.
We started our morning with the Parker weather show on SSB radio. Then we talked to Handleys and went into shore at the laundry. Lee & I got a piece of carrot cake and Lee & the woman who runs the laundry and makes the cakes sang happy birthday to me. My birthday isn't til tomorrow but we knew there would be no cake then. I am as old as I feel and that is old!
It was another sunny warm day, water & air temp both 80. But this evening is a nice cool breeze. Lee has back pain from lifting a big propane tank today. That happens once and a while and can take 3 or 4 months to go away. With the new place coming as soon as we get back to SC this is not a good time for back problems. Hoping this goes away in a few days not months.
We sailed and motor sailed about 4 hrs today with moderate winds but they were behind us most of the time and without a spinnaker we did not make much headway. Getting better at sailing but have not had many days with good wind direction and speed.
March 26, 2015
Warderwick Wells
Exumas, Bahamas
Today a nasty weather report send us north looking for somewhere to hide. We are at Emerald Rocks in the Exumas Land & Sea Park near Warderwick Wells Cay. We imagine we will be here til at least Sunday. Because winds of as much as 40knts are predicted Friday we took a mooring ball. Windbird is here too.
We started our morning with the Parker weather show on SSB radio. Then we talked to Handleys and went into shore at the laundry. Lee & I got a piece of carrot cake and Lee & the woman who runs the laundry and makes the cakes sang happy birthday to me. My birthday isn't til tomorrow but we knew there would be no cake then. I am as old as I feel and that is old!
It was another sunny warm day, water & air temp both 80. But this evening is a nice cool breeze. Lee has back pain from lifting a big propane tank today. That happens once and a while and can take 3 or 4 months to go away. With the new place coming as soon as we get back to SC this is not a good time for back problems. Hoping this goes away in a few days not months.
We sailed and motor sailed about 4 hrs today with moderate winds but they were behind us most of the time and without a spinnaker we did not make much headway. Getting better at sailing but have not had many days with good wind direction and speed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Lion Fish Lunch for the Shark
March 25, 2015
Black Point, Great Guana
Exumas, Bahamas
Exumas, Bahamas
Today the weather guru says Thur & Fri will be nice but find a hidy hole for Sat & Sun.
Judy & I both did laundry and messed around with wifi while we had it. It was slightly breezey and warm. The power to the whole island was off for several hours which stopped activity everywhere right in the middle of the day. I was still at the laundry when they locked up the doors.
Guess we are staying here another day and Fri heading north probably to Warderwick Wells which is in the Exumas Land & Sea Park. This is on our way to where we jump off to cross the Gulf Stream to return to the states.
Some kids found a lion fish that was dead. They played with it a while and threw it in the water where the dinghies are tied up at the laundry. As we got in our dinghy with the laundry Lee was looking for the lion fish floating near our dinghy when a 6 ft shark came up and snatched it. Cool. Went right over another big sting ray today in the dinghy too.
Live like every day is your last.
Share the love.
Sea Turtle and Windbird Reunite
March 24, 2015
Black Point
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
It was another nice day, warm, breezy, sunny. Windbird showed up early afternoon. We are still having problems receiving VHF transmissions. We can send out but not get sound back on the radio. Still can not get emails to go to Handleys either.
Looks like we will be leaving here maybe Thurs and starting the trek north to eventually head back across the Gulf Stream. Mark's target for West Palm Beach FL is April 8 for a treatment on the 9th. Then on to Little River.
A flock of what I think are sea gulls flew over us. I had seen them frequently. Black heads with black tip in lowest wing feathers, otherwise white. As they flew over the water & our boats at about 4:30 it looked for all the world like their bellies and underwings were a beautiful blue green. When we saw them again on land they were the same black & white gulls we have been seeing. It had to be some combination of reflection of the water off their wings and the angle of the sun at that hour. What ever it was a beautiful sight.
We all went to Lorraine's for dinner tonight. We had the biggest hamburgers. I had gotten onion rings there a while back and they were crispy and wonderful. Seems they make them 2 ways. What we had tonight were the typical kind. Not as good as what I had the other day. Too bad.
We are having some rocking again tonight. West wind again. We go as the wind dictates. Weather is everything on a cruise. Hope the weather guru Chris Parker tells us what we need to make a speedy trip home. He is our 6:30 am wake up call.
Black Point
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
It was another nice day, warm, breezy, sunny. Windbird showed up early afternoon. We are still having problems receiving VHF transmissions. We can send out but not get sound back on the radio. Still can not get emails to go to Handleys either.
Looks like we will be leaving here maybe Thurs and starting the trek north to eventually head back across the Gulf Stream. Mark's target for West Palm Beach FL is April 8 for a treatment on the 9th. Then on to Little River.
A flock of what I think are sea gulls flew over us. I had seen them frequently. Black heads with black tip in lowest wing feathers, otherwise white. As they flew over the water & our boats at about 4:30 it looked for all the world like their bellies and underwings were a beautiful blue green. When we saw them again on land they were the same black & white gulls we have been seeing. It had to be some combination of reflection of the water off their wings and the angle of the sun at that hour. What ever it was a beautiful sight.
We all went to Lorraine's for dinner tonight. We had the biggest hamburgers. I had gotten onion rings there a while back and they were crispy and wonderful. Seems they make them 2 ways. What we had tonight were the typical kind. Not as good as what I had the other day. Too bad.
We are having some rocking again tonight. West wind again. We go as the wind dictates. Weather is everything on a cruise. Hope the weather guru Chris Parker tells us what we need to make a speedy trip home. He is our 6:30 am wake up call.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
West Winds
March 23, 2015
Black Point
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We awoke to a rocky boat. This anchorage is well protected from all but the west and that is where the wind was coming from. It let up late in the day to about 5knts. We never left the boat because we did not want soaked by the rough water. Hardly any one was about in dinghies. Laundry had no boats there all day.
We read, talked, and planned. An email from Mark said they were probably coming to Black Point after they took their company to the airport on Staniel Cay Tues. We decided it was silly to go to great BigMajor Spot today if they were coming to Black Point tomorrow. We tried to let them know that by email, text, and VHF radio but were unable to get a response by any of those methods. Not sure what is the problem. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to communicate.
After 2 days of almost no breeze it was too much of a good thing today. Guess
I am hard to please. Nothing of interest happened today. Sorry this log is not interesting 😥
Black Point
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We awoke to a rocky boat. This anchorage is well protected from all but the west and that is where the wind was coming from. It let up late in the day to about 5knts. We never left the boat because we did not want soaked by the rough water. Hardly any one was about in dinghies. Laundry had no boats there all day.
We read, talked, and planned. An email from Mark said they were probably coming to Black Point after they took their company to the airport on Staniel Cay Tues. We decided it was silly to go to great BigMajor Spot today if they were coming to Black Point tomorrow. We tried to let them know that by email, text, and VHF radio but were unable to get a response by any of those methods. Not sure what is the problem. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to communicate.
After 2 days of almost no breeze it was too much of a good thing today. Guess
I am hard to please. Nothing of interest happened today. Sorry this log is not interesting 😥
Warm and Humid
Black Point
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
Warm humid sunny again. We relaxed again. Lee took 2 jerry jugs to shore and got water and dropped off some trash. We did a little planning on the return trip. We have to somehow get an extension filed on our taxes and want to try to make our closing date on the new place. Lee has doubts about meeting those deadlines.
We had a good rain in the middle of the night with things open. Hope it rinsed some salt off our canvas. We will head to Big Major Spot tomorrow to meet Windbird.
Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
Warm humid sunny again. We relaxed again. Lee took 2 jerry jugs to shore and got water and dropped off some trash. We did a little planning on the return trip. We have to somehow get an extension filed on our taxes and want to try to make our closing date on the new place. Lee has doubts about meeting those deadlines.
We had a good rain in the middle of the night with things open. Hope it rinsed some salt off our canvas. We will head to Big Major Spot tomorrow to meet Windbird.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Fund Raiser
March 21,2015
Black Point
Exumas, Bahamas
Fund Raiser
Today there was a fund raiser lunch for the local school. It was to start at 12:00. We went over to shore and expected to buy lunch. I just can't get used to "island time." The food actually started to be sold at 12:45. We had time to do a wash & get stuff put in the dryer after it was supposed to start but before it really did. The food was good. We had Bar B Q ribs, Mac & cheese, slaw, rice & beans for $10 each. The children are raising money to go to Orlando, I am assuming Disney World. Most people in line for food were cruisers. We were so full we skipped dinner tonight.
It was hot 80 & humid and barely any wind. 4 mph. Lee decided to swim off the boat in the clear water to cool off. A boat came in today with supplies but still no fresh milk. He did some computer stuff while the laundry dried. We will go back tomorrow to use the wifi again. He has some research he did not get to. We need to get some water in jerry jugs on shore too. Trying to keep the water topped off.
We put up the wind scoop and it helped cool things down. This is really the first day we needed it. We had enough wind to have a comfortable cabin until today. I can not believe in almost 3 months we have had only 3 days of rain. I have not seen such long spells of no rain since I was a kid in California. But I am glad because cruising in the rain is not fun. Also our solar cells are happy.
Lee Kaufman
s/v Sea Turtle
Black Point
Exumas, Bahamas
Fund Raiser
Today there was a fund raiser lunch for the local school. It was to start at 12:00. We went over to shore and expected to buy lunch. I just can't get used to "island time." The food actually started to be sold at 12:45. We had time to do a wash & get stuff put in the dryer after it was supposed to start but before it really did. The food was good. We had Bar B Q ribs, Mac & cheese, slaw, rice & beans for $10 each. The children are raising money to go to Orlando, I am assuming Disney World. Most people in line for food were cruisers. We were so full we skipped dinner tonight.
It was hot 80 & humid and barely any wind. 4 mph. Lee decided to swim off the boat in the clear water to cool off. A boat came in today with supplies but still no fresh milk. He did some computer stuff while the laundry dried. We will go back tomorrow to use the wifi again. He has some research he did not get to. We need to get some water in jerry jugs on shore too. Trying to keep the water topped off.
We put up the wind scoop and it helped cool things down. This is really the first day we needed it. We had enough wind to have a comfortable cabin until today. I can not believe in almost 3 months we have had only 3 days of rain. I have not seen such long spells of no rain since I was a kid in California. But I am glad because cruising in the rain is not fun. Also our solar cells are happy.
Lee Kaufman
s/v Sea Turtle
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Goofing Off
After a very calm night we rose late to another warm sunny day. Just before noon we took the dinghy to the laundromat to get internet and post logs and read emails and to get the delicious carrot cake that a local makes and sells there. After Lee lost his peace over windows 8 we took a jerry jug to the town dock and filled it up with water. I went up to Adderlys market in hopes of fresh milk but none was to be had. Last Friday I got there about an hour after the mail boat and got the next to last jug. The mail boat came in the late afternoon last week but in the morning this week so guess the early birds got the milk. We saw a shark at the dock and nearly ran on top of a big Ray. The laughing gulls make a huge racket morning and evening. The rest of the day we read, napped and generally goofed off. Tomorrow is a noon lunch that is a fund raiser for the school here. Being a retired elementary teacher I am compelled to go. They will have some local specialities as well as the usual picnic type fare.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Editors. note
The log entries are scrambled because we wrote them as they happened but couldn't post them until we had Internet access. Then they were uploaded but scrambled. Sorry bout that.
Replenishing the Necessities
March 18, 2015
Big Major Spot
Exumas, Bahamas
Another day of beautiful weather. Mark returned from FL and his treatment this afternoon. There was apparently some confusion at the hospital but I did not get details. Tomorrow morning Handleys and the couple who are visiting their boat as well as Ed & Lynn of Constance are heading north to Cambridge & Warwick Wells for a few days then return here to see their guests off on the plane. We have to have propane which will not be available until Thurs (tomorrow) afternoon so we can not go. We will be here waiting Monday when they return.
Today we got our fresh water tank filled and both jerry cans. Then we topped off our diesel and got jerry cans of water & gasoline for Handleys. We got to the fuel dock at Staniel Cay and there was a sail boat smaller than ours already there. We waited an hour slowly cruising in circles waiting for it to leave. I can not imagine what took so long. We finally got our turn and all we did only took about 20 minutes. When we got back to Big Major another sail boat had anchored near where we had been. We anchored as close to where we were as possible but it is a little more crowded than before.
Tomorrow we will try to move to Staniel and anchor near where we will dinghy in to drop off propane tanks then go back late afternoon to pick them up. We hope to be in Black Point Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Then return to Big Major on Monday.
We are getting tired and are anxious to get home and ready to buy & move to our new place.
Big Major Spot
Exumas, Bahamas
Another day of beautiful weather. Mark returned from FL and his treatment this afternoon. There was apparently some confusion at the hospital but I did not get details. Tomorrow morning Handleys and the couple who are visiting their boat as well as Ed & Lynn of Constance are heading north to Cambridge & Warwick Wells for a few days then return here to see their guests off on the plane. We have to have propane which will not be available until Thurs (tomorrow) afternoon so we can not go. We will be here waiting Monday when they return.
Today we got our fresh water tank filled and both jerry cans. Then we topped off our diesel and got jerry cans of water & gasoline for Handleys. We got to the fuel dock at Staniel Cay and there was a sail boat smaller than ours already there. We waited an hour slowly cruising in circles waiting for it to leave. I can not imagine what took so long. We finally got our turn and all we did only took about 20 minutes. When we got back to Big Major another sail boat had anchored near where we had been. We anchored as close to where we were as possible but it is a little more crowded than before.
Tomorrow we will try to move to Staniel and anchor near where we will dinghy in to drop off propane tanks then go back late afternoon to pick them up. We hope to be in Black Point Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Then return to Big Major on Monday.
We are getting tired and are anxious to get home and ready to buy & move to our new place.
March 17, 2015
Big Major Spot
Exhumas, Bahamas
Today was another day of perfect weather. High around 80, low around 73 slight breeze, sunny. We decided to take the day off and do almost nothing. Lee borrowed a big crescent wrench from Mark and tried to tighten nuts on the stuffing box. That is where the propeller shaft goes out of the boat and into the water. He could not budge them. So guess we will have a drop of water every couple of seconds drip into our bilge. That endeavor necessitated me up ending my mattress and I have yet to remake the bed.
We were presented with part of a loaf of banana chocolate chip bread made by Judy this morning. Mark left this afternoon to fly to Ft Lauderdale for his treatment tomorrow morning. He will be back tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow they will be selling diesel at the yacht club fuel dock. They will no doubt run out before it comes again so we are getting while the getting is good. Thurs we will do the same with propane. By Thurs evening we should have water tanks, propane tanks, and diesel all topped off. That should hold us until we get back in the states if not home.
We ate lunch, read, & napped. We were both tired. Judy picked up guests while ashore taking Mark to the airport. Kevin & Claire are her children's age but frequent boating buddies of Handleys. They will be aboard Windbird for a week. We are going to stay around this general area while Handleys, their guests, and friends Ed & Lynn all explore a bit north of here for a few days. We will reconnect no later than Monday evening here, since Kevin & Claire will need to be here Tues to catch their return flight.
We took the dinghy over to shore to a beach where people sometimes gather to mingle. It is really not my thing but Lee wanted to go. We went but in no time no see 'ems were bothering me. Bugs love me whether anyone else does or not. So I got Lee to come back to our boat.
I fixed dinner and now I am debating whether to do dishes or make the bed or do nothing more. Every evening at the moment the sun falls into the water you hear mellow horn sounds. It is people blowing on conch shells. It is really pretty neat, but I keep forgetting to mention it.lazy Da
Lazy Day
March 17, 2015
Big Major Spot
Exhumas, Bahamas
Today was another day of perfect weather. High around 80, low around 73 slight breeze, sunny. We decided to take the day off and do almost nothing. Lee borrowed a big crescent wrench from Mark and tried to tighten nuts on the stuffing box. That is where the propeller shaft goes out of the boat and into the water. He could not budge them. So guess we will have a drop of water every couple of seconds drip into our bilge. That endeavor necessitated me up ending my mattress and I have yet to remake the bed.
We were presented with part of a loaf of banana chocolate chip bread made by Judy this morning. Mark left this afternoon to fly to Ft Lauderdale for his treatment tomorrow morning. He will be back tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow they will be selling diesel at the yacht club fuel dock. They will no doubt run out before it comes again so we are getting while the getting is good. Thurs we will do the same with propane. By Thurs evening we should have water tanks, propane tanks, and diesel all topped off. That should hold us until we get back in the states if not home.
We ate lunch, read, & napped. We were both tired. Judy picked up guests while ashore taking Mark to the airport. Kevin & Claire are her children's age but frequent boating buddies of Handleys. They will be aboard Windbird for a week. We are going to stay around this general area while Handleys, their guests, and friends Ed & Lynn all explore a bit north of here for a few days. We will reconnect no later than Monday evening here, since Kevin & Claire will need to be here Tues to catch their return flight.
We took the dinghy over to shore to a beach where people sometimes gather to mingle. It is really not my thing but Lee wanted to go. We went but in no time no see 'ems were bothering me. Bugs love me whether anyone else does or not. So I got Lee to come back to our boat.
I fixed dinner and now I am debating whether to do dishes or make the bed or do nothing more. Every evening at the moment the sun falls into the water you hear mellow horn sounds. It is people blowing on conch shells. It is really pretty neat, but I keep forgetting to mention it.
March 16, 2015
Big Major Spot
Exhumas, Bahamas
Today was an almost windless day which really makes you feel the heat. We started the day with a boat project. Lee tried to put a zinc on the propeller shaft while using a mask and snorkel. He dropped half the zinc when he went to tighten it. In water so clear you would think it would have been easy to find in 10 ft of water but he could not find it. Mark brought over a snuba rig which you hook to your battery an it lets you breathe underwater as long as the hose will reach. Even with that he could not find it. Mark had another zinc and that one Lee got on without incident. The whole thing was pretty frustrating.
Just before lunchtime Handleys and we got in our dinghies and went to Staniel Cay to a place called the grotto. It is an under water cave that at low tide has lots of air in the top. It was used in the James Bond movie Thunderball. We put on our dive skins, fins, masks & snorkels and jumped in the water. We swam to the cave. The top of the entrance was barely above the water at low tide. There were several tropical fish around. There was about 20 other people also snorkeling into the grotto. Inside shafts of light from holes way above ground shone down into the cave. The current was quite strong and my knees are so weak I had trouble. Also my straps on the back of my fins kept slipping. I nearly lost them several times. They do not float. We did not stay inside long. Mark was inside when some one who had climbed the hill outside jumped through the hole in the top of the cave and nearly hit him.
After the grotto adventure we went to the other end of the island to see about propane and some munchies so I could have Mark, Judy, Lynn and Ed over for sundowners. We got started that way and realized we did not have money. We went on figuring we could find out about propane even if we didn't buy anything. Just as we arrived we remembered it was closed 12-2 for lunch and it was 12:30. We were sitting in the shade talking about what we should do when Ed & Lynn walked by. They were shopping and wanted the same info on propane. They got there before lunch break and were told, "No propane til Thursday". The problem with Thurs is Handleys are having another round of guests, coming in tomorrow and staying a week. Handleys & their guests plan to head off to another cay or two for 4 or 5 days Thurs morning. Staying til Thursday afternoon to get our tanks filled will keep us from leaving with everyone else.
Not wanting to hang around 'til 2, we decided to return to Sea Turtle. At 3:30 we went again to the general store a mile or so away by dinghy. No one was there again. We walked on to the Pink store and the Blue store and got our munchies so I could have everyone over to our boat. We walked back to the general store and this time it was open. Lee got some marine grease, chart book for northern Bahamas and I got some juice and cokes. We loaded our stuff in the dinghy and hurried back to Big Major. It was 5:15 when we got back. We had a mess to straighten up and I had snacks to get laid out before everyone arrived at 5:30. We had everyone til about 7 or so then Ed & Lynn went to Mark & Judy's for dinner.
Our lights flashed off. Hope that does not mean electrical problems.
The Iguana
March 14, 2015
Bitter Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
Today began with the Chris Parker weather forecast and then a nap. We got up to stay at 8 and treated ourselves to a special breakfast. We took the coconut bread that Lorraine’s mother makes and made French toast with it. What a way to start the day. Then Mark came over with an update on the next couple of weeks plans. He said we are leaving Great Guana Cay at 3 today and going to Bitter Guana Cay to hunt a rare iguana that lives there and Allen’ Cay and nowhere else, and we would anchor there for the night.
So off went to do 3 loads of clothes ($22.50) and use the wifi and Lee went to the dumpster and town spigot to get 10gal of water in jerry jugs. Luckily I was able to get washers and dryers immediately. While I did laundry I read email and watched 2 stingrays cruise the waters edge and the dinghies right in front of the Laundromat. Having done the necessary chores we returned to the boat and readied it to go again. Mark called about 2:30 and said let’s go so we pulled up anchor and put up the jib and headed for lizard land. The ones on Allen's Cay have been fed by people and become aggressive but the ones on Bitter Guana have been left to themselves more so should behave more normally.
We anchored and immediately went to the beach. They were all over the place. Some would go away if you approached others would just stand their ground and a couple actually approached you. We go some pics with our phone ( our camera charger cable is mia) and one short video. Handleys got lots of pics with their camera. One of them came right up to Lee and tried to bite his toe. They were pretty neat. We are sure our oldest son will enjoy the pics.
After the iguana hunt we took a little dinghy trip around the anchorage and back to the boat for
a drink and some chatting. Then everyone went to do dinner. I did a quick meal thanks to my pressure cooker. I have used it a lot and I would never thought of it if my friend Beth had not said how much time it saved her on her sail boat.
It is a little rocky rolly and the quiet secluded anchorage occupied only by Handleys and us has been invaded by a crew in a power boat playing music so loud you can hear it below on our boat and their jet ski too. There are rude people every where, but the people we have met on this trip have been exceptionally helpful and friendly. Fortunately this boat load is the exception.
What Propane
March 19,2015
Black Point
Great Guana Cay, Exumas
Today was the day we were told we could finally get propane. We had been waiting since Sunday to get some. We had to pass up a trip Windbird and Constance were taking in order to get propane. But the availability is so scarce that we felt we had no choice since it runs our dinghy motor as well as our cook stove. We had our tanks over to the appointed location at 10 and guess what? We were told no propane today, maybe next Wed. To say we were upset is to put it mildly. We looked for a way to turn the day around. I suggested we dinghy to the Staniel Cay Yacht Club since we were so close anyway and have lunch. We did and the lunch was nice. After lunch we went to the liquor store which is also the laundromat and bought rum for the boys and some more salsa for us. While Lee went to pay for rum at the Blue Store I stayed at the Laundromat/liquor store and watched the tennis channel with the lovely lady who works there or maybe owns it, no clue. Unfortunately Lee had forgotten to turn off the propane tank when we docked the dinghy at the yacht club so more propane leaked off pointlessly. We went back to the boat and left Staniel Cay behind heading to Great Guana and Black Point. There was hardly a breath of wind so we motored the whole 7 miles. We anchored off Black Point around 4:30.
We hope to get some computer internet stuff done tomorrow, logs out etc. The Laundromat at Black Point seems to be closed and it is the primarly source of internet, so no internet close. We will rest and relax for 3 days, top off water tank, grab some fresh milk and veggies when the mail boat comes in Friday and be ready to go again when we regroup with Handleys on Monday afternoon at Big Major Spot.
Black Point Settlement Again
Exhumas, Bahamas
Big Major Spot
March 15, 2015
We left Bitter Guana Cay around 9 this morning, Handleys followed around 9:30. We had light winds from our stern but had plenty of time so sailed, slowly. We did not have far to go, 7 miles. Took a little over 2 hrsi to reach Big Major. We dropped anchor around 11 in Big Major Spot. After a bite of lunch all four of us got in Handleys dinghy and went toward the beach to see the swimming hogs. The island has spotted pigs which will swim out to your boat in hopes of a hand out. Judy brought asparagus, carrots, & apples. They seemed to like the apples best. The biggest ones swam out for food the young ones stayed on the beach.
We then went exploring. We went with Handleys in their dinghy to Staniels Cay. It is where Mark will fly out of to return to FL to have his treatment in a couple of days. We located the Yacht Club and the airport. We also walked the length of the island and back. We found 3 grocery stores, small by usa standards but little bigger than ones in Black Point. We found several restaurants, a liquor store, a laundromat, a general store, a place to get propane for our dinghy motor. All & all looks like a better place for provisioning than Black Point.
The yacht club said they were out of diesel til sometime on Tues. so guess Tues or Wed we will go there and get water and fuel. Tomorrow we plan to snorkel at the grotto where Thunderball , James Bond movie was filmed. It is off Staniel Cay. Supposed to be cool place. We may also go get some provisions while we are at Staniel Cay.
This evening Handleys & we went to Ed & Lynn's boat, Constance, for munchies & drinks. Ed told us he was cleaning the bottom of his boat underwater while we were exploring Staniel Cay and 2 Rays and 3 sharks came by to see what he was up to. One shark was 8 or 10 ft. That is when I get out of the water. They have traveled in the Bahamas a lot while Handleys & we have never been here before so Ed & Lynn have provided some additional info not in the guide books. Easy to see why Handleys like them so much. They are nice folks.
Big Major Spot
March 15, 2015
We left Bitter Guana Cay around 9 this morning, Handleys followed around 9:30. We had light winds from our stern but had plenty of time so sailed, slowly. We did not have far to go, 7 miles. Took a little over 2 hrsi to reach Big Major. We dropped anchor around 11 in Big Major Spot. After a bite of lunch all four of us got in Handleys dinghy and went toward the beach to see the swimming hogs. The island has spotted pigs which will swim out to your boat in hopes of a hand out. Judy brought asparagus, carrots, & apples. They seemed to like the apples best. The biggest ones swam out for food the young ones stayed on the beach.
We then went exploring. We went with Handleys in their dinghy to Staniels Cay. It is where Mark will fly out of to return to FL to have his treatment in a couple of days. We located the Yacht Club and the airport. We also walked the length of the island and back. We found 3 grocery stores, small by usa standards but little bigger than ones in Black Point. We found several restaurants, a liquor store, a laundromat, a general store, a place to get propane for our dinghy motor. All & all looks like a better place for provisioning than Black Point.
The yacht club said they were out of diesel til sometime on Tues. so guess Tues or Wed we will go there and get water and fuel. Tomorrow we plan to snorkel at the grotto where Thunderball , James Bond movie was filmed. It is off Staniel Cay. Supposed to be cool place. We may also go get some provisions while we are at Staniel Cay.
This evening Handleys & we went to Ed & Lynn's boat, Constance, for munchies & drinks. Ed told us he was cleaning the bottom of his boat underwater while we were exploring Staniel Cay and 2 Rays and 3 sharks came by to see what he was up to. One shark was 8 or 10 ft. That is when I get out of the water. They have traveled in the Bahamas a lot while Handleys & we have never been here before so Ed & Lynn have provided some additional info not in the guide books. Easy to see why Handleys like them so much. They are nice folks.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Black Point Settlement
Fri March 13, 2015
Black Point Settlement
Great Guana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas
Last night was windy and noisy, we listened to the wind blow and the dinghy splash all night. Does not make for the best sleeping conditions. We woke to a sunny day, mild temps and not quite as much wind. About lunch time we decided to dinghy over to the little town. It has a nice Laundromat that looks fairly new, a telephone office that is only open 2hrs a week( on Wed morning.) A post office that is closed because someone is away at Nassau. 3 little restaurants that all have wifi for free, and 2 little stores that are about as big as the spare bedroom in a typical house. We were looking for bread, milk, snack foods and veggies. We found 1 place that had one loaf of homemade bread, 5 dollars a loaf. We found some Bahamia Fruit Punch in cans the size of cokes, in 6 packs. They were $7.50. When we got them back to the boat they were high fructose syrup, artificial color and flavor, period. We went to Lorraines for lunch and got a hamburger and soft drink and fries, $30. Lorraines mother makes coconut bread so we bought a loaf of it for$6. There was little to buy and what you could was costly.
About 4 pm the weekly mail boat came which brings not only mail but supplies to the stores. Everyone rushes in to meet it. The grocery stores get fresh supplies too. We went back around 5 and found milk, fresh lettuce, tomatoes and ordinary sliced bread. Some success, We came back to the boat and had dinner of coconut bread, mango jam, butter and milk. The wind has picked up to 20 kts so it may be another rough night.
We may or may not go on tomorrow. That depends on what Handleys decide and that depends partly on the winds. Guess I will know in the morning after the weather forecast. They spent most of their day with their friends Lynn and Ed. We saw them briefly after the last trip to the grocery store.
I tried to send out the logs that had backed up. Hope they went out and send a group email to a few family and friends. Being out of communication by email, text and phone all is isolating. Will post when I can, write daily whether I can post immediately or not.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Connecting With the World - Again
Thurs March 12, 2015
Black Point on Great Guana Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We left Big Major Spot around 11 this morning and headed to Black Point on Great Guana Cay. It was a motor, not sail trip of about 1:45 minutes. Black Point has a little town about 2 blocks long, with a grocery store, hardware store, Laundromat and a couple of restaurants and wifi. This is the first place we have been in a long time we have had a chance to phone, text, email, get internet or in anyway connect electronically with the world. Miss all that stuff. We will probably be here until Monday and think we may have those things where we are headed Tues and Wed. Then probably off the grid again.
We are looking at a return home mid April right now. Judy and Mark met up with good friends who have been cruising the area for some time today. It is the people who loaned their car to Handleys to use in Ft Lauderdale. We met them on Handleys boat this evening. They have been here a couple of weeks so gave us the low down on the place. We plan to go to town tomorrow and get rid of trash and see if we can pick up some supplies we are running low on, look the place over, maybe do clothes. try to hook up to the towns free wifi so I can send these back logs out.
Day of Probems
Wed. March 11, 2015
Big Major Spot Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We started out at 7:30 as planned from Shroud Cay heading to Black Point. We expected a bumpy ride today with high winds around 20kts and going straight into the wind again, which means not sailing but motoring. We were unable to make more than 3 or 3.5kts on average and were diving into and out of waves at about 2 sec intervals. It is tough on the motor, the boat and certainly the humans. Our slow speed caused us to change our destination. We decided it would be dark or nearly dark before we could get to Black Point so we opted for Big Major Spot which was 8 miles closer than Black Point. As we came in view of the anchorage it looked like a boat convention. Every size and type of boat was anchored in here. No point in trying to count. This appears to be an uninhabited bit of land but the sea is full of people.
We started having VHF radio problems. We could not hear anyone sometimes and others we could hear ok then we found out Mark could hear us but we could not always hear him. When VHF is your only way to communicate with the world and it does not work you feel very isolated. Lee doesn’t have a clue what to do to try to fix it. We could not get 16 to work which is the hailing channel for Mayday. I am not comfortable going out without a functional radio but there is no one here to help. Even our hand held vhf radio is not getting through.
We may be here a few days as the next 3 are predicted to have worse winds than today. Hope our water and fuel last until we can get some. Definitely not our best or most enjoyable day.
Tues. March 10, 2015
Shroud Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We left Norman Cay about 8:30 under partly cloudy skies. It was warm and quite breezy. We motored the 6 miles to our next stop, Shroud Cay, and arrived at 10:30am. Mark and Judy picked up a mooring ball on the southern end of the island and we slipped into a shallow anchorage on the northern end. We knew we planned to do a dinghy trip up a cut that was on the northern end so that was much closer. About 11:30 we all took out dinghies through the cut to the Bahama Sound side of the island, beached the dinghies and hiked up the beach to the trail that lead to the top of a knoll called Driftwood Camp. It was a camp used by the US to spy on a drug lord who operated out of the neighboring cay of Norman. By watching the comings and goings they finally caught and put out of business the drug lord. The view was spectacular again with the multiple shades of intense blues in the water.
We then ate a picnic lunch we brought before heading back to our boats. When we got back to the dinghies Lee realized he forgot to turn off the propane tank. We weighed it when we came back & it came up 4lbs short of what we started with. That much should not have been gone. The dinghy is back, in its cradle and we have set our route for tomorrows long arduous journey to Black Point Cay.
New Friends and Old
Monday March 9, 2015
Norman Cay
Exumahas , Bahamas
We took a morning dinghy ride to the beach and a long walk around the southern end of the island. We saw the private airport, a little island with a single palm tree and chair, and lots and lots of conch shells. The local clearly eat lots of conch. We returned to the boat for lunch and then took a long dinghy ride compliments of Handleys to the northern end of the island. It is private property so we stayed in the boat, but the shades of turquoise were spectacular. Deep to medium to pale and the sand so white it looked like sugar. After a speedy return to the boat we split up and took snorkel dives around our boats. Checked condition of the bottom looked for zincs etc. I had not used my fins and snorkel in several years and they felt strange instead of comfortable like they once had. My old knees are not what they used to be. I hung all the wet clothes on the deck.
We straightened up in the cockpit and below deck as we had invited a couple anchored beside us and Mark and Judy for drinks and munchies around 5:30. Judy and Mark came at the appointed time but the Phillip and Joann Williams anchored beside us did not. They are from Montreal , Canada. We suspected they did not have daylight savings time and would come and hour late. Which is exactly what happened. They had been in the Bahamas a few days more than us but had hit most of the same islands plus Nassau which we avoided. They had a 39 ft very fast cat sailboat. 14kts
We will head to Shroud Cay tomorrow which is the first island in the Bahamian Land and Marine Park. Have not studied up on what special it has to offer. Will do that on the way.
Close Encounters of the Coral Kind
Sunday March 8, 2015
Normans Cay
Exumas, Bahamas
We left Rose Cay around 9 and set off for Norman’s Cay. We knew we would have some high winds and seas which we did. We split the day between pure sailing and motor sailing with winds E to SE. We had a reach for a short time but mostly winds were to our nose and often in the no sail zone. We did not do to badly for the conditions. There was about an hour from 11 to 12 that we were sailing between two Banks, Yellow & White, where the coral came close enough to the surface that a lookout on the bow had to be posted. Lee and Judy were our lookouts. It was pretty bouncy out there. 3 dolphin swam under the bowsprit and looked Lee over. I think they must have thought that was the most lifelike figure head they had ever seen. Not as pretty as the one on the other boat however. Its figure head had more curves. We had one quick shower which is the first rain in many days. Hope it washed off some of the salt accumulated on the boat and canvas.
We came into the anchorage on the west side of Norman Cay where several boats were already anchored around 4:30. There are shallow corals in the anchorage too so you do everything with caution here. We anchored in 8 ft of water. The rain cooled things off so it is a cool breeze we are having this evening. Should be good sleeping if it isn’t too windy. We have some wind rocking us now. Maybe it will calm down by bed time.
Bypassing Nassau
Sat March 7, 2015
Rose Island
We left Chub Cay around 8 this morning and headed south to Rose Island. We had light winds and sun most of the morning and were heading straight into the wind again . In the afternoon the wind finally shifted ever so slightly to our port so we could put out the main sail. The winds picked up to 8 or 9 kts and we increased our speed with the help of current we got over 7 kts. We arrived at Rose Cay around 4:15. Anchoring was a bit tense as there are coral heads near the surface and several boats were already in the anchorage. Our first attempt seemed to hit something hard so we gave it another try and got secured. Although we kept our motor on all day it was a nice motor sailing afternoon and enjoyable day.
After anchoring Mark took us to Windbird and we got an overview of the places they hope to touch on and the time frame they hope for. With weather, sea conditions, and Mark’s treatment schedule it is a balancing act to get everything working at the same time. But flexible is the name of the game and we have no schedule so we can be flexible.
We are in the chart book we have now so it will be easier for us to plan and follow along too. We also know what Handleys are thinking as to what places they think are best to try to see. Can’t do everything and we were sort of in the dark as to which places they picked to explore. Certainly was not going to try to study up on everything so now we have a pared down list to get up to speed on. We figure this is their party and we are along for the ride. Little like teacher and student teacher. Us being the students.
We can see lights off in the distance of Nassau. While we sailed past it we got good cell signal so I was able to get text and email, but did not have internet access. It was nice to at least get what I did. I imagine it will be rare to get a cell signal in a world of mostly water and few big towns.
Hello Bahamas
Fri March 6, 2015
Chub Cay
We left No Name Harbor near Miami about 7:30 am yesterday. We motor sailed with the wind on our nose in rough bouncy water most of the day with winds around 20 +kts and 6ft seas. By late afternoon it calmed to 10-12knts and 2 ft seas. Due to our late start we were going to have to drop anchor in the midst of nowhere on the Bahama Bank around midnight or go all night. The moon was full and the wind and waves tolerable so we opted for sailing all night. Unfortunately I did not sleep at all. The time I had to sleep was too bouncy but Lee got 2 sleep shifts. By 6:15 am this morning I was done for. I am too old to pull an all nighter.
I was not looking forward to the Gulf Stream since winds were not what we really wanted nor was the sea conditions. It was not a fun experience, but it could have been worse. We arrived in Chub Cay and went through the customs red tape. Which while time consuming was not all that bad, filled up the water tank and diesel tank. Then I went to the marinas laundry, which was 2 old washers, one broken, 2 dryers, one broken. Good thing I only had 1 load of laundry. But the price was the same as in FL at the Plantation Yacht Harbor, $2 for wash , $2 for dry. We then came out of the harbor and anchored along with several other boats. The marina was lovely but $4 a foot was not, and there was no facilities.
It was hot today but not too bad this evening so maybe I can make up for some lost sleep. We have no cell reception or internet so have no idea when I can get this posted but will as soon as I have a chance. We have traveled so far 1,000 nautical miles since we left Little River in Dec. I feel every one of them!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
The Waiting Game
Wed March 4, 2015
No Name Harbor
Coco Beach, FL
We left Steam Boat Creek anchorage in Barnes Sound around 8 this morning and headed for Little Card Sound and Card Sound and finally Biscayne Bay to No Name Harbor. We arrived there at 3 and Handleys arrived about 4:30. We got together for Judy's birthday dinner at the only restaurant at the harbor. Her birthday is tomorrow but what we will be doing and where we will be tomorrow is still up in the air. We hadn't seen them in 2 weeks..
We had some narrow channels in what looked like wide open spaces but we eventually had room to sail with winds 110 to 90 degrees off our starboard side. Wind speed was 12-17 kts and we made some good time for a turtle 5 to 6.9 kts. We sailed 2 or 3 hours without the motor, the rest of the day was mostly motor sailing.
No Name was crowded, 22 boats when we came in. Wonder how many are waiting for a Gulf Stream crossing too. We will make our final decision in the morning by 7;30. When we listen to Chris Parker.
I hope this is a good experience because after 9 weeks on the boat I am getting a bit weary.
Judy came to the rescue with a copy of the papers to be filled out for entering the Bahamas but before we finished dinner Lee had gotten them wet. Think they had wiped the table just before we sat down. She also had the cards we will need to fill out. Where we will check in is still up in the air. Guess we will be making a lot of decisions on the fly. Wind direction seems to be the crucial player in all plans.
I think we managed to get one day without sacrifice to the water gods. Nothing went over board.
If we manage to get in international waters tomorrow we may not be able to post daily so this may be the last blog for a while.
No Name Harbor
Coco Beach, FL
We left Steam Boat Creek anchorage in Barnes Sound around 8 this morning and headed for Little Card Sound and Card Sound and finally Biscayne Bay to No Name Harbor. We arrived there at 3 and Handleys arrived about 4:30. We got together for Judy's birthday dinner at the only restaurant at the harbor. Her birthday is tomorrow but what we will be doing and where we will be tomorrow is still up in the air. We hadn't seen them in 2 weeks..
We had some narrow channels in what looked like wide open spaces but we eventually had room to sail with winds 110 to 90 degrees off our starboard side. Wind speed was 12-17 kts and we made some good time for a turtle 5 to 6.9 kts. We sailed 2 or 3 hours without the motor, the rest of the day was mostly motor sailing.
No Name was crowded, 22 boats when we came in. Wonder how many are waiting for a Gulf Stream crossing too. We will make our final decision in the morning by 7;30. When we listen to Chris Parker.
I hope this is a good experience because after 9 weeks on the boat I am getting a bit weary.
Judy came to the rescue with a copy of the papers to be filled out for entering the Bahamas but before we finished dinner Lee had gotten them wet. Think they had wiped the table just before we sat down. She also had the cards we will need to fill out. Where we will check in is still up in the air. Guess we will be making a lot of decisions on the fly. Wind direction seems to be the crucial player in all plans.
I think we managed to get one day without sacrifice to the water gods. Nothing went over board.
If we manage to get in international waters tomorrow we may not be able to post daily so this may be the last blog for a while.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Good bye Islamorada
Tue.. March 3, 2015
Northern Barnes Sound
Near Homestead, FL
We are anchored in 8 ft of water with not another boat in sight. We are tucked behind some mangroves for wind protection. We are glad to share the news our sailing partner Mark got a good CT scan. There is no sign of the cancerous liver tumor. Great news for everyone. We should meet them tomorrow and then head off the the Bahamas.
We left our lovely anchorage that has been home for over a week and motor sailed to our stop for this evening. We towed the dinghy all morning but put it in its cradle this afternoon and got the motor properly mounted and the frozen bolt broken loose too. We found a water leak in our head (commode for the non sailors) but Lee dinked with it and it seems to have stopped. Time will tell. I think our daily sacrifice to the water gods today was a kneeling pad. This is not funny anymore.
We will be out of communication as soon as we hit international waters. We will write blogs but will only publish them when we can get access to wifi which may not be often. We will group post when we can. We also will not be able to receive email on any regular basis so we may or may not see anything you send. I may have DTs because my cell phone will be almost worthless and I have grown to love it.
That's All Folks!
Northern Barnes Sound
Near Homestead, FL
We are anchored in 8 ft of water with not another boat in sight. We are tucked behind some mangroves for wind protection. We are glad to share the news our sailing partner Mark got a good CT scan. There is no sign of the cancerous liver tumor. Great news for everyone. We should meet them tomorrow and then head off the the Bahamas.
We left our lovely anchorage that has been home for over a week and motor sailed to our stop for this evening. We towed the dinghy all morning but put it in its cradle this afternoon and got the motor properly mounted and the frozen bolt broken loose too. We found a water leak in our head (commode for the non sailors) but Lee dinked with it and it seems to have stopped. Time will tell. I think our daily sacrifice to the water gods today was a kneeling pad. This is not funny anymore.
We will be out of communication as soon as we hit international waters. We will write blogs but will only publish them when we can get access to wifi which may not be often. We will group post when we can. We also will not be able to receive email on any regular basis so we may or may not see anything you send. I may have DTs because my cell phone will be almost worthless and I have grown to love it.
That's All Folks!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Day with a Split Personality
Monday March 2, 2015
Plantation Key
Islamorada FL
This morning we listened to the weather guru Chris Parker bright and early. He threw a monkey wrench in starting across on Wed. So since we are 2 days sail away from the rendezvous point with the Handleys there was no reason to move yet. We will plan to head north Tue morning to meet on Wed evening anticipating leaving 3am Thrus morning. Of course Chris Parker could knock that in the head too.
Bill Sears called and asked if we would be interested in picking up some sandwiches when I got my CD and report to take to my doctor at home. That sounded good to us so we took the food to Bills and we all ate out on his screen porch. He will be taking Sunshine to fly home tomorrow so everyone will be taking off in the morning. We plan to stay in a little anchorage at Steamboat Creek at the edge of Barnes Sound tomorrow night.
We came back to the boat after lunch and decided we would put the dinghy up on the swim ladder and out of the water and motor on the motor mount. One of the bolts that hold the motor on the dinghy transom had frozen. We tried every thing, grease, pounding it with a variety of things, solvent and have been unable to get the bolt to loosen.We took some part off the transom and got the motor off but the frozen bolt is still frozen. It is on the motor mount but not properly. The dinghy is still in the water. On top of that we dropped our best screwdriver in the water after we had given up on the motor. Honestly, we loose something every day! It had a red handle and we thought we could see it but the sun was just going down and the light was not good. We tried the fishing with the magnet trick but the thing was mostly plastic handle and we just could not get it. Very frustrating afternoon. Not like we will find a lot of hardware stores in the Exumas.
Hot sunny day, 80, moderate breeze so will be comfortable evening. Let's hope a good nights sleep will relax us a little. We have been away from Handley for 2 weeks. When we see them again it will be to celebrate Judy's 68th birthday. Going to the Bahamas on your birthday is a pretty unique way to celebrate. Be good to get together again.
Plantation Key
Islamorada FL
This morning we listened to the weather guru Chris Parker bright and early. He threw a monkey wrench in starting across on Wed. So since we are 2 days sail away from the rendezvous point with the Handleys there was no reason to move yet. We will plan to head north Tue morning to meet on Wed evening anticipating leaving 3am Thrus morning. Of course Chris Parker could knock that in the head too.
Bill Sears called and asked if we would be interested in picking up some sandwiches when I got my CD and report to take to my doctor at home. That sounded good to us so we took the food to Bills and we all ate out on his screen porch. He will be taking Sunshine to fly home tomorrow so everyone will be taking off in the morning. We plan to stay in a little anchorage at Steamboat Creek at the edge of Barnes Sound tomorrow night.
We came back to the boat after lunch and decided we would put the dinghy up on the swim ladder and out of the water and motor on the motor mount. One of the bolts that hold the motor on the dinghy transom had frozen. We tried every thing, grease, pounding it with a variety of things, solvent and have been unable to get the bolt to loosen.We took some part off the transom and got the motor off but the frozen bolt is still frozen. It is on the motor mount but not properly. The dinghy is still in the water. On top of that we dropped our best screwdriver in the water after we had given up on the motor. Honestly, we loose something every day! It had a red handle and we thought we could see it but the sun was just going down and the light was not good. We tried the fishing with the magnet trick but the thing was mostly plastic handle and we just could not get it. Very frustrating afternoon. Not like we will find a lot of hardware stores in the Exumas.
Hot sunny day, 80, moderate breeze so will be comfortable evening. Let's hope a good nights sleep will relax us a little. We have been away from Handley for 2 weeks. When we see them again it will be to celebrate Judy's 68th birthday. Going to the Bahamas on your birthday is a pretty unique way to celebrate. Be good to get together again.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Good Food - Good Company
Sunday March 1, 2015
Plantation Key
Islamorada, FL
Today was another warm and sunny day. Lots of boat traffic out to enjoy their Sunday. We tried to dink with the wind generator to see if we could take the vibration out but all we accomplished was dropping the allen wrenches in the water. We seem to drop something overboard daily. Eventually we will have an empty boat. Luckily it was partially red and we could see it on the bottom through the clear water. Lee fished from the dinghy for about 10 or 15 minutes with a magnet and finally "caught" the wrenches. At least occasionally we manage to retrieve what goes overboard.
We went over to Bill Sears house around 12:30 and went to his special place for Sunday brunch. Snappers had a jazz musician and delicious food. We ate on the deck by the water and everybody but me had Eggs Neptune, which is like Eggs Benedict but with crab and eggs. It was good, tasted Lee's. I got a mahi mahi reuben, good too but maybe not as good as Eggs Neptune. Oh and champagne too. Bill and I were arguing when the bill came and Sunshine grabbed it. Lee had planned to but she was quick. We had a delightful brunch with good company. We came back to Bill's and did some computer stuff for the condo we are buying and visited then came back to boat. By that time it was 4:30. I finished stowing clothes and making the bed.
No manatee today but one big iguana posing on a large rock. They are everywhere. Bill says they are good to eat but eating lizard just does not appeal to me. We still plan to leave this lovely anchorage tomorrow and head north in anticipation of a Bahama crossing. We are glad for the time to spend with Bill and loved getting to meet Sunshine. She is a very positive person. He name suits her.
Nice evening breeze should make for good sleeping. Think I will get started on that.
Plantation Key
Islamorada, FL
Today was another warm and sunny day. Lots of boat traffic out to enjoy their Sunday. We tried to dink with the wind generator to see if we could take the vibration out but all we accomplished was dropping the allen wrenches in the water. We seem to drop something overboard daily. Eventually we will have an empty boat. Luckily it was partially red and we could see it on the bottom through the clear water. Lee fished from the dinghy for about 10 or 15 minutes with a magnet and finally "caught" the wrenches. At least occasionally we manage to retrieve what goes overboard.
We went over to Bill Sears house around 12:30 and went to his special place for Sunday brunch. Snappers had a jazz musician and delicious food. We ate on the deck by the water and everybody but me had Eggs Neptune, which is like Eggs Benedict but with crab and eggs. It was good, tasted Lee's. I got a mahi mahi reuben, good too but maybe not as good as Eggs Neptune. Oh and champagne too. Bill and I were arguing when the bill came and Sunshine grabbed it. Lee had planned to but she was quick. We had a delightful brunch with good company. We came back to Bill's and did some computer stuff for the condo we are buying and visited then came back to boat. By that time it was 4:30. I finished stowing clothes and making the bed.
No manatee today but one big iguana posing on a large rock. They are everywhere. Bill says they are good to eat but eating lizard just does not appeal to me. We still plan to leave this lovely anchorage tomorrow and head north in anticipation of a Bahama crossing. We are glad for the time to spend with Bill and loved getting to meet Sunshine. She is a very positive person. He name suits her.
Nice evening breeze should make for good sleeping. Think I will get started on that.
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