Wednesday April 15, 2015
Lightkeepers Marina
Little River, SC
The End
We started from Osprey Marina in Socastee, SC around 8 and motored under dreary drippy skies. We arrived around noon at our home port of Little River. We are glad to be home but are so glad we went. We had our problems, probably the most serious a malfunctioning VHF radio and then the hand held VHF also quiting on us. Fortunately Mark had a spare and we wired it in temporarily. His expertise was an invaluable asset to us over and over. We are most grateful for his guidance on our first lengthly cruise.
The Exhumas are beautiful. The water beyond description and the Bahamians are the most friendly and gentle people. The weather spectacular, we had 2 brief rains in a month. We loved the middle FL keys too. It is true you must have what you need going to the Bahamas because you can not count on buying anything once you get there. If our health and boat stay in good shape we will definitely do more cruising. Maybe not 3 or 4 months but maybe.
We are both in better condition than when we left. Stronger because of the rigors of boat life. Lee ate well but lost 20 pounds. We gained knowledge of our boat and improved our sailing skills. It just proves you can teach an old dog new tricks.
The tortoise lost the race home but, the hare (Windbird) took a little washing machine action to win. We chose the comfortable if slow way home. We enjoyed the scenery in GA and primordial look of the cypress tree swamps in SC. We saw mansions and shacks on the waterway. Our anchorage were often solitary and peaceful havens, we never had a bumpy night. We are not adept at the over night sleeping in shift thing and end up not sleeping much and being too sleepy to enjoy our journey. Since our only time pressure was taxes we could indulge in the slow and easy path. We got over feeling uneasy doing over nighters but have not gotten the hang of sleeping on demand.
I have to admit I missed my garbage disposal and dishwasher. I appreciate my shower with endless supply of water and yes my TV. None of these will keep me from making another cruise. Hope those of you who followed our journey enjoyed some of it with us. Til next voyage of Sea Turtle, good-bye.
Voyages of Sea Turtle

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
reunion With Dear Friends
Tues. April 14, 2915
Osprey Marina
Socastee, SC
Reunion With Dear Friends
We are back on home turf even if not quite back home yet. We are back in Horry County and stopped at Osprey Marina so we could visit with our friends Martha and Mitch. We got here just as a rain storm ended. It rained on us off and on all day. We were greeted at the marina by Martha, camera in hand. She has a knee injury and I was surprised she could manage the dock ramp. She took us to her house so we could see Teddy who is the 4 legged member of her family. He was glad to see us as we were glad to see him. Mitch had to work late so Lee, Martha and I went to River City cafe and met Mitch after he got off from work. We sat and talked after we ate until the waitress looked like she wanted to run us out of the cafe. Mitch had just recently taken a boat trip from Baltimore to Socastee. He had some interesting tales to tell as did we. He got taste of the Nasty Neuse River. It was great getting together with good friends after 3 1/2 months away.
Our trip today was all motoring, no sailing at all. This was day 12 on the ICW. We will leave early in the morning and should be in our home marina by shortly after noon. We had current against us most of today until the last hour or so. Hard to know exactly when we will slip back into our slip. Then it is off to do tax stuff until Thursday. Thurs we will return and try to straighten and clean up the boat. Friday will be tied up with things that need dealt with about the new condo that we are closing on Monday the 20th. One more day, one more log and this tale comes to an end.
Osprey Marina
Socastee, SC
Reunion With Dear Friends
We are back on home turf even if not quite back home yet. We are back in Horry County and stopped at Osprey Marina so we could visit with our friends Martha and Mitch. We got here just as a rain storm ended. It rained on us off and on all day. We were greeted at the marina by Martha, camera in hand. She has a knee injury and I was surprised she could manage the dock ramp. She took us to her house so we could see Teddy who is the 4 legged member of her family. He was glad to see us as we were glad to see him. Mitch had to work late so Lee, Martha and I went to River City cafe and met Mitch after he got off from work. We sat and talked after we ate until the waitress looked like she wanted to run us out of the cafe. Mitch had just recently taken a boat trip from Baltimore to Socastee. He had some interesting tales to tell as did we. He got taste of the Nasty Neuse River. It was great getting together with good friends after 3 1/2 months away.
Our trip today was all motoring, no sailing at all. This was day 12 on the ICW. We will leave early in the morning and should be in our home marina by shortly after noon. We had current against us most of today until the last hour or so. Hard to know exactly when we will slip back into our slip. Then it is off to do tax stuff until Thursday. Thurs we will return and try to straighten and clean up the boat. Friday will be tied up with things that need dealt with about the new condo that we are closing on Monday the 20th. One more day, one more log and this tale comes to an end.
Monday, April 13, 2015
One Day Closer
Monday April 13, 2015
Awendaw Creek, SC
Mile Post 436 ICW
One Day Closer
We started from Toms Point Creek at 6:55. We decided after reading Judy's log we would not consider going outside as they were talking about coming in at Georgetown because of the conditions. We went right through Charleston harbor and back in the waterway. We made Charleston about noon. We were touch and go making the Wappoo Bridge. Since it only opened once every half hour making it on time was important. We could see we would be a couple of minutes late so Lee went below and talked to the lady. He told her we wanted her 11:30 opening but maybe could not quite get there. She could see us and told him to keep coming. She held the bridge for a couple of minutes . We got through and the cars probably never noticed the opening was a few minutes late happening. I hit a shallow spot and ran aground . We anchored in Awendaw Creek at about 5:20. We plan to stay at a marina near Socastee Bridge tomorrow night and go in to Light Keepers on Wed. Gotta get to the taxes before PO closes on the 15th.
We have 1,971 nautical miles since we left Little River. Tomorrow we should reach over 2,000. I feel every one of them.
Awendaw Creek, SC
Mile Post 436 ICW
One Day Closer
We started from Toms Point Creek at 6:55. We decided after reading Judy's log we would not consider going outside as they were talking about coming in at Georgetown because of the conditions. We went right through Charleston harbor and back in the waterway. We made Charleston about noon. We were touch and go making the Wappoo Bridge. Since it only opened once every half hour making it on time was important. We could see we would be a couple of minutes late so Lee went below and talked to the lady. He told her we wanted her 11:30 opening but maybe could not quite get there. She could see us and told him to keep coming. She held the bridge for a couple of minutes . We got through and the cars probably never noticed the opening was a few minutes late happening. I hit a shallow spot and ran aground . We anchored in Awendaw Creek at about 5:20. We plan to stay at a marina near Socastee Bridge tomorrow night and go in to Light Keepers on Wed. Gotta get to the taxes before PO closes on the 15th.
We have 1,971 nautical miles since we left Little River. Tomorrow we should reach over 2,000. I feel every one of them.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Gloomy & Grumpy
Sunday April 12, 2015
ICW mile 495
North Edisto River
We left our anchorage at 7:00. I was exhausted and went back to bed after raising the anchor. Lee took the first shift at the helm. He generously let me sleep and it was 9:45 when I came up to take my turn at the wheel. We got to Ladies Island bascule bridge which the waterway chart book said opened at the hr and 1/2 hr right at 10:25. When Lee told him we would like his 10:30 opening he said he was on demand and to come on up and he would open. After sitting idle in the water and getting closer and closer to the bridge I started turning slow circles. 15 min after we arrived he still had not stopped traffic. Lee went down to see if there was a problem and he said he would open in about 5 minutes. We finally got through 25 minutes after we arrived. I was doing a slow burn. For the first time I refused to thank the bridge tinder. We listen on the radio as he communicated with boats behind us. He could not manage the boats and cars. They should have left that guy on a 30 min schedule. That way he did not have to think about what to do and when to do it.
We had 14 to 20 kt winds on the nose and no help from tide or current all afternoon. With the motor wound to 2200 rpm we were only making 3 kt per hr and sometimes less than 3. Felt like a slow boat to China. We made our 60 miles but it took us almost 11 hours to do it. We had had good speed in the morning or we never would have made it . Dreary drizzle of a day. Reflected my mood. I am very affected by gloomy or sunny days. I should live where the sun shines all the time. Sure liked those sunny days in the Bahamas.
ICW mile 495
North Edisto River
We left our anchorage at 7:00. I was exhausted and went back to bed after raising the anchor. Lee took the first shift at the helm. He generously let me sleep and it was 9:45 when I came up to take my turn at the wheel. We got to Ladies Island bascule bridge which the waterway chart book said opened at the hr and 1/2 hr right at 10:25. When Lee told him we would like his 10:30 opening he said he was on demand and to come on up and he would open. After sitting idle in the water and getting closer and closer to the bridge I started turning slow circles. 15 min after we arrived he still had not stopped traffic. Lee went down to see if there was a problem and he said he would open in about 5 minutes. We finally got through 25 minutes after we arrived. I was doing a slow burn. For the first time I refused to thank the bridge tinder. We listen on the radio as he communicated with boats behind us. He could not manage the boats and cars. They should have left that guy on a 30 min schedule. That way he did not have to think about what to do and when to do it.
We had 14 to 20 kt winds on the nose and no help from tide or current all afternoon. With the motor wound to 2200 rpm we were only making 3 kt per hr and sometimes less than 3. Felt like a slow boat to China. We made our 60 miles but it took us almost 11 hours to do it. We had had good speed in the morning or we never would have made it . Dreary drizzle of a day. Reflected my mood. I am very affected by gloomy or sunny days. I should live where the sun shines all the time. Sure liked those sunny days in the Bahamas.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Another Day Another Adventure
Saturday April 11, 2015
Hilton Head, SC
ICW Mile 556
Hickory Bluff Anchorage
Another Day Another Adventure
We left Big Tom's Creek anchorage at 7:20 and did not run aground. Yea. About 9:00 we got to Hell Gate. It is a very narrow shallow cut and who should we meet but a large yacht also transiting Hell Gate. We got to 5' 7 " trying to get past him and I got on the radio and told the captain we were constrained by draft and in danger of running aground could he please give us as much room as possible. He moved over a little we got back up to high 6' and we made it past. A few tense moments.
We came to a lift bridge as we came around a curve that we had missed when we scanned today course and had to move quickly to get the bridge tinder to give us an opening. Fortunately it was an on demand not a scheduled bridge. Around 11:30 am we came across the SC border. Felt we were headed home and even the bugs got better. No place like home. We didn't have much rain or wind. What we had was on and off and nothing of significance. We put up the sail for a few hours this afternoon but doubt it made any difference. We seemed to have the current against us all but an hour or two all day.
Our slow progress kept us from making 60 miles today. We got as far as Hilton Head, SC and dropped anchor at Hickory Bluff just past Hilton Head Harbor marina. We are still hoping the weather will let us get off shore before we reach Little River. Time will tell.
Hilton Head, SC
ICW Mile 556
Hickory Bluff Anchorage
Another Day Another Adventure
We left Big Tom's Creek anchorage at 7:20 and did not run aground. Yea. About 9:00 we got to Hell Gate. It is a very narrow shallow cut and who should we meet but a large yacht also transiting Hell Gate. We got to 5' 7 " trying to get past him and I got on the radio and told the captain we were constrained by draft and in danger of running aground could he please give us as much room as possible. He moved over a little we got back up to high 6' and we made it past. A few tense moments.
We came to a lift bridge as we came around a curve that we had missed when we scanned today course and had to move quickly to get the bridge tinder to give us an opening. Fortunately it was an on demand not a scheduled bridge. Around 11:30 am we came across the SC border. Felt we were headed home and even the bugs got better. No place like home. We didn't have much rain or wind. What we had was on and off and nothing of significance. We put up the sail for a few hours this afternoon but doubt it made any difference. We seemed to have the current against us all but an hour or two all day.
Our slow progress kept us from making 60 miles today. We got as far as Hilton Head, SC and dropped anchor at Hickory Bluff just past Hilton Head Harbor marina. We are still hoping the weather will let us get off shore before we reach Little River. Time will tell.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Buggy ICW
Friday April 10, 2015
ICW Georgia Mile 615
Just north of St Catherine's Sound
We started the day with what has become a habit. Running aground before we can get out of the anchorage. We got unstuck quickly and went on. It hit at 4'8" again. We need to adjust the depth gauge. We had cloudy overcast skies most of the morning and partly cloudy in the afternoon. We made a little more than 60 miles.
The bugs, every kind, were out in force today. Gnats, flies, bees, no seeums, things that looked like a cross between a bee and a fly. They drove us nuts. We killed them till there was a pile in the cockpit floor of dead bodies. Lee got the bright idea I should put up some fly paper. Don't know where it came from but there was some on the boat. If you are my age or older you probably remember an older relative using it when you were a kid. If you are younger then me you probably have no idea what that is. It is a long piece of paper wrapped in a circular pattern something like the stripes on candy canes. You hang the paper in a door way or on the ceiling and it is very sticky. Hopefully the flies will lite on it and get stuck. I have never used it so was not even sure how to open it. I finally got it open but not before tearing off the top which had a little ribbon and thumb tack to mount it with. I got the sticky stuff all over me and could not get loose from the paper to do anything with it. When I finally got it stuck to something I had all my fingers sticking to each other. It must have looked like a Laural and Hardy comedy but Lee never said a word while all this was going on. Good move, he valued his life. I tried rubbing alcohol, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, soap, laundry soap, nothing would take it off. I couldn't touch anything or I would get it on that stuff too. I finally put salt on my hands and rubbed and rubbed more salt more rubbing. After all that only one fly lit on the paper.
We are taking turns at the helm in 60 to 90 min. shifts so Lee's back will be happy. He is mostly ok now but not doing anything to aggravate it. We are in our second week on the ICW and getting tired and trying to put in 10 hour days on the water. Looks like starting to night we have several days of rain storms. Cross your fingers we do not get hit with lightning. We have had stuff damaged twice already from lightning. Rain or shine I intend to keep moving unless it is impossible to do so.
ICW Georgia Mile 615
Just north of St Catherine's Sound
We started the day with what has become a habit. Running aground before we can get out of the anchorage. We got unstuck quickly and went on. It hit at 4'8" again. We need to adjust the depth gauge. We had cloudy overcast skies most of the morning and partly cloudy in the afternoon. We made a little more than 60 miles.
The bugs, every kind, were out in force today. Gnats, flies, bees, no seeums, things that looked like a cross between a bee and a fly. They drove us nuts. We killed them till there was a pile in the cockpit floor of dead bodies. Lee got the bright idea I should put up some fly paper. Don't know where it came from but there was some on the boat. If you are my age or older you probably remember an older relative using it when you were a kid. If you are younger then me you probably have no idea what that is. It is a long piece of paper wrapped in a circular pattern something like the stripes on candy canes. You hang the paper in a door way or on the ceiling and it is very sticky. Hopefully the flies will lite on it and get stuck. I have never used it so was not even sure how to open it. I finally got it open but not before tearing off the top which had a little ribbon and thumb tack to mount it with. I got the sticky stuff all over me and could not get loose from the paper to do anything with it. When I finally got it stuck to something I had all my fingers sticking to each other. It must have looked like a Laural and Hardy comedy but Lee never said a word while all this was going on. Good move, he valued his life. I tried rubbing alcohol, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, soap, laundry soap, nothing would take it off. I couldn't touch anything or I would get it on that stuff too. I finally put salt on my hands and rubbed and rubbed more salt more rubbing. After all that only one fly lit on the paper.
We are taking turns at the helm in 60 to 90 min. shifts so Lee's back will be happy. He is mostly ok now but not doing anything to aggravate it. We are in our second week on the ICW and getting tired and trying to put in 10 hour days on the water. Looks like starting to night we have several days of rain storms. Cross your fingers we do not get hit with lightning. We have had stuff damaged twice already from lightning. Rain or shine I intend to keep moving unless it is impossible to do so.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Sails Up
North of Saint Simon Island
ICW Georgia
We left our anchorage at dead low tide to run aground before we could get back in the waterway. We hit at 4'8" again when our draft is 4'. We sort of plowed our way through, turning our wheel first right then left while running the motor at 2000rpms. We eventually dug a trough to go through until we got in deeper water. Lee rationalized we probably scraped off some unwanted barnacles.
We motored all morning but finally got some straight stretches and winds 10 to 20 kts after noon and sailed all afternoon. Looks like tomorrow we won't have straight stretches in the afternoon to sail even if wind is good enough. Morning is usually calm and that is when we have the long straights. The weather doesn't look promising for going off shore long enough to do us much good. So we will start early and make the best of it.
We made over 60 miles today. We went up one anchorage and it didn't seem as protected as it should have been so went on to the next place and anchored in a better protected place from the south winds. Supposed to get in the high teens and we have gotten used to calm nights for sleeping. The no seeums finally attacked Lee. He said they were in his hair (what hair)., making his head itch. About time they harassed someone besides me. A day when nothing breaks, go badly wrong or some other problem crops up is a good day on a boat. So we had a good day.
ICW Georgia
We left our anchorage at dead low tide to run aground before we could get back in the waterway. We hit at 4'8" again when our draft is 4'. We sort of plowed our way through, turning our wheel first right then left while running the motor at 2000rpms. We eventually dug a trough to go through until we got in deeper water. Lee rationalized we probably scraped off some unwanted barnacles.
We motored all morning but finally got some straight stretches and winds 10 to 20 kts after noon and sailed all afternoon. Looks like tomorrow we won't have straight stretches in the afternoon to sail even if wind is good enough. Morning is usually calm and that is when we have the long straights. The weather doesn't look promising for going off shore long enough to do us much good. So we will start early and make the best of it.
We made over 60 miles today. We went up one anchorage and it didn't seem as protected as it should have been so went on to the next place and anchored in a better protected place from the south winds. Supposed to get in the high teens and we have gotten used to calm nights for sleeping. The no seeums finally attacked Lee. He said they were in his hair (what hair)., making his head itch. About time they harassed someone besides me. A day when nothing breaks, go badly wrong or some other problem crops up is a good day on a boat. So we had a good day.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Animals Galore
Wednesday April 8, 2015
St. George Island, FL
Animals Galore
We started early, before 7 from Mantanza River Inlet. We saw all kinds of sea birds. Egrets with a group of babies teaching them to hunt in the shallows, ducks, seagulls, and herons, my favorites. We saw dolphin galore. Some appeared to have young ones with them. A sting ray practically jumped in the boat. It came straight up out of the water so high it was at the level of our lower life line and inches away from the life line. Can not imagine what caused it to do that.
We made great time most of the day. Bridges opened just as we got to them. We went 10 miles farther than we planned because we made such good time. We anchored at Ft George Island where an old fort and plantation are open to visitors. We were just to tired to get the dinghy down to dingy to shore to see the sites. It is a pretty anchorage and quiet. Not too awfully buggy for FL.
Tomorrows goal is St Simons Sound in GA. If weather is right Fri and Sat we may go from there off shore and do a overnighter to get home by late Saturday or early Sunday. Will see what the weather guru thinks tomorrow and Fri morning.
.We were slowly winding our way up the waterway and the charting software says we are in 15-16 ft of water I feel a bump. I looked at the depth gauge and it said, 4' 8" Our draft is 4' so we should have had 8inches under us. Luckily in half a boat length I was in 12 ' of water, but we thought our depth sounder was showing us shallower than we were, not deeper. It had happened once before on this trip that we bumped at what our gauge said was 5'1". Now I do not trust the gauge. A foot error seems a lot.
Wish us a good weather report getting anxious to get home.
St. George Island, FL
Animals Galore
We started early, before 7 from Mantanza River Inlet. We saw all kinds of sea birds. Egrets with a group of babies teaching them to hunt in the shallows, ducks, seagulls, and herons, my favorites. We saw dolphin galore. Some appeared to have young ones with them. A sting ray practically jumped in the boat. It came straight up out of the water so high it was at the level of our lower life line and inches away from the life line. Can not imagine what caused it to do that.
We made great time most of the day. Bridges opened just as we got to them. We went 10 miles farther than we planned because we made such good time. We anchored at Ft George Island where an old fort and plantation are open to visitors. We were just to tired to get the dinghy down to dingy to shore to see the sites. It is a pretty anchorage and quiet. Not too awfully buggy for FL.
Tomorrows goal is St Simons Sound in GA. If weather is right Fri and Sat we may go from there off shore and do a overnighter to get home by late Saturday or early Sunday. Will see what the weather guru thinks tomorrow and Fri morning.
.We were slowly winding our way up the waterway and the charting software says we are in 15-16 ft of water I feel a bump. I looked at the depth gauge and it said, 4' 8" Our draft is 4' so we should have had 8inches under us. Luckily in half a boat length I was in 12 ' of water, but we thought our depth sounder was showing us shallower than we were, not deeper. It had happened once before on this trip that we bumped at what our gauge said was 5'1". Now I do not trust the gauge. A foot error seems a lot.
Wish us a good weather report getting anxious to get home.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Routine Day
Tuesday April 7, 2015
Mantanza River Inlet
ICW Florida
Routine Day
We left the marina and immediately Lee got turned around. By the time he found his way we were watching our bridge begin to close. That cost us a 20 min wait til the next opening. The day went smoothly other wise. We had good weather not enough breeze to put up a sail but nothing to slow us down either. We anchored to current stronger than the wind in Mantanza River. It was a little odd for the anchor not to lay with the wind but current has switched now and everything looks normal. Not as buggy as last night but at dusk they did come by for me as dessert.
We hope to make Jacksonville tomorrow. We are going for more miles and a longer day. There is nowhere decent to anchor within 15 miles so we will stay in a marina. Rather not but we are not running the ICW at night. Nothing noteworthy happened today so.....
Mantanza River Inlet
ICW Florida
Routine Day
We left the marina and immediately Lee got turned around. By the time he found his way we were watching our bridge begin to close. That cost us a 20 min wait til the next opening. The day went smoothly other wise. We had good weather not enough breeze to put up a sail but nothing to slow us down either. We anchored to current stronger than the wind in Mantanza River. It was a little odd for the anchor not to lay with the wind but current has switched now and everything looks normal. Not as buggy as last night but at dusk they did come by for me as dessert.
We hope to make Jacksonville tomorrow. We are going for more miles and a longer day. There is nowhere decent to anchor within 15 miles so we will stay in a marina. Rather not but we are not running the ICW at night. Nothing noteworthy happened today so.....
Monday, April 6, 2015
Clean Clothes
Monday April 6, 2015
New Smyrna Beach , FL
City Marina
Clean Clothes
Today we left Cocoa and clipped off another 52 miles. We stopped at Titusville and got diesel and water which we were running low on. We had a few drops of rain and overcast skies but pleasant temps. The only negative was the no seeums. Those little varmits eat me up. We ended the day at New Smyrna Beach City Marina because we desperately needed clean clothes, now that we are back in the states and wearing them again. This marina got good reviews on laundry facilities. I did the laundry and we went out to dinner at a nearby restaurant. As we were leaving the restaurant a large man behind me said, "I pooped, I can poop!" I turned around and looked at him and he was laughing. Then he explained to us and some one he was with that he had just walked by a little boy who was proudly announcing his accomplishment. He apparently was being potty trained. It was pretty weird having a 6'2" man 2 ft behind you say " I Pooped, I can Poop."
Lee dropped my folding steps between the dock and the boat. Making another donation to the water gods. We bought them so I could get in and out of the boat when the dock was not a floating dock. Instead we had to use the hanging ladder we have so people can board on the side of the boat from their dinghies.
New Smyrna Beach , FL
City Marina
Clean Clothes
Today we left Cocoa and clipped off another 52 miles. We stopped at Titusville and got diesel and water which we were running low on. We had a few drops of rain and overcast skies but pleasant temps. The only negative was the no seeums. Those little varmits eat me up. We ended the day at New Smyrna Beach City Marina because we desperately needed clean clothes, now that we are back in the states and wearing them again. This marina got good reviews on laundry facilities. I did the laundry and we went out to dinner at a nearby restaurant. As we were leaving the restaurant a large man behind me said, "I pooped, I can poop!" I turned around and looked at him and he was laughing. Then he explained to us and some one he was with that he had just walked by a little boy who was proudly announcing his accomplishment. He apparently was being potty trained. It was pretty weird having a 6'2" man 2 ft behind you say " I Pooped, I can Poop."
Lee dropped my folding steps between the dock and the boat. Making another donation to the water gods. We bought them so I could get in and out of the boat when the dock was not a floating dock. Instead we had to use the hanging ladder we have so people can board on the side of the boat from their dinghies.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Still Plugging Along
Sunday April 5, 2015
Cocoa, FL
Still Plugging Along
We left Vero Beach at 7:45 and started North again. We got winds of 20 kts around noon and were able to put out a sail. Several sail boats had sails out. The waterway here is quite wide so you can sail if you have the wind. We stopped at Cocoa and anchored around 4:30 expecting a front to move through and bring 25-30 kts of wind tonight. We plan to try to get 50 miles knocked off per day while in the waterway and still hope later in the week to get off shore.
We talked to both our sons for the first time since Christmas. Seems the younger one wrecked his mountain bicycle and tore up his shoulder in Jan. It required surgery to repair. He is still in rehab. He would not elaborate much more than that. He did the other shoulder in a mt bike accident 10 or 12 yrs ago. Wish he would take up chess or something less dangerous.I am irritated he didn't tell me when it happened but I guess I could do nothing but worry about him. He says the healing seems to be going well so I will hope he is as good as new before long. Having watched my friend Terri go through shoulder surgery and rehab I know what an ordeal it can be.
We calculate if nothing goes amiss we will be home a day or two before closing even if we never make it off shore, but we hope we do. Tomorrows goal is New Smyrna, with a stop for diesel and water along the way.
Cocoa, FL
Still Plugging Along
We left Vero Beach at 7:45 and started North again. We got winds of 20 kts around noon and were able to put out a sail. Several sail boats had sails out. The waterway here is quite wide so you can sail if you have the wind. We stopped at Cocoa and anchored around 4:30 expecting a front to move through and bring 25-30 kts of wind tonight. We plan to try to get 50 miles knocked off per day while in the waterway and still hope later in the week to get off shore.
We talked to both our sons for the first time since Christmas. Seems the younger one wrecked his mountain bicycle and tore up his shoulder in Jan. It required surgery to repair. He is still in rehab. He would not elaborate much more than that. He did the other shoulder in a mt bike accident 10 or 12 yrs ago. Wish he would take up chess or something less dangerous.I am irritated he didn't tell me when it happened but I guess I could do nothing but worry about him. He says the healing seems to be going well so I will hope he is as good as new before long. Having watched my friend Terri go through shoulder surgery and rehab I know what an ordeal it can be.
We calculate if nothing goes amiss we will be home a day or two before closing even if we never make it off shore, but we hope we do. Tomorrows goal is New Smyrna, with a stop for diesel and water along the way.
Chugging Along
Saturday April 4, 2015
Vero Beach, Fl
Chugging Along
We left Hobe Sound at 8:30 and started up the waterway. We soon left the traffic behind. We spent a lot of the day going on one long straight line. Depending on the current motoring at 4 to 6 knts. We passed Ft Pierce around 5 and stopped and dropped the anchor in Vero in mangroves near Hole in the Wall at 6:10. Being FL the mosquitoes and no see 'ums were here to greet us. Do they make screens fine enough to keep no see 'ums out?
We had a bridge or two but no long waits so all went well. We have friends at a marina here in Vero in a trawler but by the time we settled in, I made dinner, we ate and I washed dishes, we listened to the news on my phone it was too late to call. If I can remember maybe I can call in the morning.
Rain is predicted the next couple of days. Hard to see markers in the rain. Looks like off shore weather will be wild til at least Tues so guess we are stuck in the ICW for now.
I am over whatever it was. Went back to bed at 9:30 this morning and slept til noon after sleeping all night. I was still running a fever when I got up this morning but by noon with some aspirin and more rest I seemed ok. Guess some 24 hr bug. My stomach was torn up yesterday and still this morning. Hope Lee does not get it.
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Friday, April 3, 2015
Bridge Day
Friday April 3, 2015
Hobe Sound, FL
Bridge Day ( 7 to be exact)
We got up intending to listen to the weather guru and catch the Flagler Bridge 8:45 opening. Lee hunted and hunted by the time he finally found him he was almost finished. We were in sight of the bridge so we started the motor, pulled up anchor, with 10 min to make the bridge. When I called to tell the bridge tinder I wanted his next opening he said 9:15. I asked what happened to 8:45 and he said it had been once an hour and that was 15 after for over a year. So we sat and waited 40 min. Great way to start. We arrived early for the next bridge and we saw on the chart a little park on Munyon Island with a dock and it said trash. We pulled out of the channel and dropped anchor. We had too much draft to take the sailboat in but we put our 4 bags of garbage in the dinghy and Lee went over to the dock. You may not think about it but doing something with your garbage is a constant issue on a boat. Lee went with no shoes and only a tee shirt and his cotton knit boxers on to put the trash in a barrel. Yes there were other people around.
Lee came back to the boat and checked the water intake filter. It had not been checked in a while and sea weed etc can clog it and over heat your motor. He started the motor, I brought up the anchor and we started off. In a few minutes the over heating alarm went off. Lee had closed the thru hull when he checked the filter and not opened it back up when he replaced the filter. If you know Lee very well you know he does not always close what he opens or open what he closes, turn off what he turns on, or replace what he gets out. Stopping to deal with that caused us to miss the bridge opening that we had been so early for that we had time for the garbage and filter check to start with. After that things went better.
We managed the rest of the bridges with no more than a 10 min wait and pulled into an anchorage area in Hobe Sound for the night. We were both feeling a little crappy. Maybe a delayed response from the overnighter, who knows. His back was worse than yesterday or day before and I was running a little fever.
Tomorrow we had hoped to go off shore a while in the afternoon but no wind. This being Good Fri weekend there is a lot of traffic on the waterway and some of them are crazy if not tanked. Lots of partying going on. We should make Ft Pierce or maybe Vero Beach tomorrow.
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Hobe Sound, FL
Bridge Day ( 7 to be exact)
We got up intending to listen to the weather guru and catch the Flagler Bridge 8:45 opening. Lee hunted and hunted by the time he finally found him he was almost finished. We were in sight of the bridge so we started the motor, pulled up anchor, with 10 min to make the bridge. When I called to tell the bridge tinder I wanted his next opening he said 9:15. I asked what happened to 8:45 and he said it had been once an hour and that was 15 after for over a year. So we sat and waited 40 min. Great way to start. We arrived early for the next bridge and we saw on the chart a little park on Munyon Island with a dock and it said trash. We pulled out of the channel and dropped anchor. We had too much draft to take the sailboat in but we put our 4 bags of garbage in the dinghy and Lee went over to the dock. You may not think about it but doing something with your garbage is a constant issue on a boat. Lee went with no shoes and only a tee shirt and his cotton knit boxers on to put the trash in a barrel. Yes there were other people around.
Lee came back to the boat and checked the water intake filter. It had not been checked in a while and sea weed etc can clog it and over heat your motor. He started the motor, I brought up the anchor and we started off. In a few minutes the over heating alarm went off. Lee had closed the thru hull when he checked the filter and not opened it back up when he replaced the filter. If you know Lee very well you know he does not always close what he opens or open what he closes, turn off what he turns on, or replace what he gets out. Stopping to deal with that caused us to miss the bridge opening that we had been so early for that we had time for the garbage and filter check to start with. After that things went better.
We managed the rest of the bridges with no more than a 10 min wait and pulled into an anchorage area in Hobe Sound for the night. We were both feeling a little crappy. Maybe a delayed response from the overnighter, who knows. His back was worse than yesterday or day before and I was running a little fever.
Tomorrow we had hoped to go off shore a while in the afternoon but no wind. This being Good Fri weekend there is a lot of traffic on the waterway and some of them are crazy if not tanked. Lots of partying going on. We should make Ft Pierce or maybe Vero Beach tomorrow.
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What a Difference a Month Makes
Thurs April 2, 2015
West Palm Beach, FL
What a Difference a Month Makes
Today began in the ocean in international waters. We were both up and in the cockpit. We were about to go into the Gulf Stream. The moon was nearly full so we could always see a horizon.
I was having mixed feelings, happy to be where my phone was workable and did not cost extra to use and where there is always milk & bread at the grocery store and there is a roomy frig to put food into after you buy it, and sad to leave the lovely people and beautiful waters of the Bahamas. We will likely be back.
It was more expensive than I expected. Everyday things cost 2 to 3 times what we normally pay.
We had an easy crossing but did have to motor the whole way. As we came down the ICW to the place we anchored before we saw a lot activity, in the water and on shore. We also saw boats anchored opposite the anchorage off the waterway. Apparently they were just disassembling the making of a boat show. We were not sure if we could use the same dinghy docks or not. We called the city hot line and they said of course.
We anchored with some crowding and dinghied to shore. Lee got his glasses fixed, the store my phone was repaired in left, so Lee did not get his new charging cord for his i pad. But we did go to the grocery store. We returned to the boat intending to nap and go back in the evening for dinner with Handleys. The nap never happened. We did get our reentry stuff taken care of and did go back and to town for fish.
We came back to the boat to plan tomorrows travel. Plan A & B depending on what Chris Parker says. We then turned in since we were both sleep deprived. Tomorrow is onward and upward.
Live like every day is your last.
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Thursday, April 2, 2015
Good Bye Bahamas
Wed April 1, 2015
Chub Cay
Exumas. Bahamas
Good Bye Bahamas
We left Chub bidding good bye to the clear water and lovely people. We had a village of starfish under & around our boat. The water was as smooth as glass and was that way all day. We motored across the Bahama Banks under sunny skies and could see every detail on the bottom in 30 ft of water.
At dusk we continued to have comfortable conditions and kept right on motoring thru midnight. Which is where todays log ends.
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No Fools Day for Us
Wed. April 1, 2015
Chub Cay
Exumas , Bahamas
No Fools Day for Us
We started the day at 7:30am. The water looked like glass. There was supposed to be no wind and there wasn't. I said goodbye to the Exumas and the clear water and starfish.
We had a perfect day motoring on flat seas with water so clear you could see every detail of the bottom at 30 ft. This easy travel continued after dark. It is after midnight and we have left the Bahama Bank and are entering the Gulf Stream. We should reach West Palm Beach FL by around noon on Thurs. So far the return crossing has been much easier than coming to the Bahamas.
That is it until we are back in the USA.
Live like every day is your last.
Live like every day is your last.
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