Voyages of Sea Turtle

Voyages of Sea Turtle

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Silence is Golden

Day 36
Feb 6, 2016
West Palm Beach, FL
City Anchorage

Today was warm and sunny with a light breeze. After dark it began to rain but daytime was lovely. We had planned to go to the farmers market just on shore but I woke up with a bad urinary tract infection. (My achilles heel) Fortunately my doctor knowing this ,supplied me with the necessary medication to take when I needed I it. I did not feel like going anywhere so sat around hoping how soon the meds would start to help. Lee however did go ashore. 

The motor mechanic called and said he was finished with the dinghy motor and was going to deliver it this morning. So Lee, Mitch and Mark all went to shore to help Lee wrestle the motor on to the dinghy. The big concern is dropping it in the water while you are trying to mount it on the transom. They got it on and Lee paid the repairman. $850, which almost all was labor. We are set to leave anytime now. Lee and Mitch went to Publix on the trolley for Ice and water and Martha hit the farmers market. 

There was a water jet shoes set up at the dinghy dock near us. You put on the thing that looks a little like a skate board and the strong jets of water coming down lift you high in the air above the water. You could tell some of the people were experienced. They got 50 ft high and did midair somersaults . Other people could barely get above the water. It was interesting to watch but would not want to try it. 

There was a reggae festival on shore. About mid afternoon the music started. Someone had a bass speaker that was so loud and so powerful that it shook the boat.  You could feel the percussion of the beat on your body and on the boat.  It completely overwhelmed any other sound that was being made. It was miserable and went on way into the night. It was as though someone was hitting you with their fist every second or two.  You know when someone pulls up beside you at a stop light and their bass jars your windows but then the light changes and you go off. Well imagine 7 hours of that and you can not get away. We went below and shut everything up and it still made the boat vibrate. We ran the motor but could not drown it out. Hope they get lots of complaints. This entire end of town was overwhelmed with the thudding. 

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