Voyages of Sea Turtle

Voyages of Sea Turtle

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

And the Loading Begins

Tuesday, 12/23/14
Little River, SC

We took the first load of provisions to the boat today.  It was mostly meat and we turned on the freezer.  It is only about half full.  We'll fix that eventually.

I needed some SD cards to use with the chartplotter and I needed an ink cartridge for the printer.  So, HiHo, HiHo, it was off to WalMart we go.  The place was a zoo.  Parking was somewhere in the hinterlands or BFE as I call it.  While I got the computer stuff, Lynda picked up some additional groceries that we needed.

We just managed to make it back for my hair appointment.  For someone that always went to a barber, going to a beautician is somewhat of an unnerving experience.  And what about having to have an appointment.  What's up with that.  I always just sat there in the barber shop until it was my turn.

To make room in the condo freezer to freeze things before we take them to the boat we decide to empty it and see what we had in it that we hadn't seen in a year.  We pulled everything out, disposed of all the stuff that wasn't going to be needed for four months.  Then we could see that the freezer was in dire need of cleaning.  So . . .

The condo is piled with stuff to go on the boat.  I'm sure we will never find a place to store it all.  I guess tomorrow we will start to see.

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