Voyages of Sea Turtle

Voyages of Sea Turtle

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Monday, 12/22/14
Little River, SC

Sorry, this didn't get published yesterday.  So here it is.

We started the day with Dr. stuff.  Then I stopped by and finished paying Jack for the canvas.  He called later to tell me about one of the nuances of the installation and to offer Lynda some Sunbrella scraps to make things from.  She went by and got some pieces after her Dr. appointment.

This afternoon we went to Camping World to get some more LED bulbs and then on to Costco for provisions.  We had all we could get in a buggy and when we checked out the tab was over $600.  We should eat well on this trip.  Actually, prorated over the planned length of the trip, that isn't too bad.  We will have to pick up eggs and fresh veggies the day before we leave. We will resupply that kind of thing as we go and the opportunity presents itself.  Hopefully we can also add some fish, conch and lobster to our menu.  I see blogs of people saying "Oh, no.  We are going to have to eat lobster again".  It's awful some of the things one must suffer for this lifestyle.  Lynda is pre-cooking some of the meats, etc. and then freezing them so it won't take so much time and fuel to finish them on the boat. We need to talk to the egg man about getting some eggs just before we leave.  We need eggs that haven't been washed or refrigerated.  That will let them last considerable longer.  To really extend their shelf life we would need to coat them with Crisco and then turn them every day or so.

Tomorrow will be more food preparation.  I still have to decide something about the stern light.  Things are falling in place.  I hope we aren't running ourselves crazy at the last minute.

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